DL Leasing 1988 LTD. & Co KG, Used food processing machines
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JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20 Artikel-Nr: 182573
JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20 used , picture 1  
JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20 used , picture 2  
JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20 used , picture 3  
JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20 used , picture 4  

Data form:
Article-Nr 182573
Indication CSDM BM 20
Producer JWE Baumann
Year of construction 2016G
Weight (kg) 0
Dimensions (l/h/w) (mm)
Price net please ask (it depends on the remaining value)

JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20 Scalding and Dehairing Machine, up to 15 pigs per hour, compact and solid stainless steel housing, length of the internal tank approx. 200 cm.

SOLD - This machine has already been sold. Please contact us for alternatives.

You have got a question to the machine JWE Baumann CSDM BM 20,  please press here!

DL-Leasing LTD. & Co. KG | Ernst-Abbe-Straße 12 | D-56070 Koblenz (Germany)
phone +49(0)261 88 93 10 | fax +49(0)261 80 44 28




Besichtigung, Lieferung und Abholung im Fachzentrum | Ernst-Abbe-Str. 12 | 56070 Koblenz

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